SportsWareOnLine Updates - Jan 2025
The January SportsWareOnLine update includes a number of new features, including: · Web (To be released the week of Jan 27th): New filter and display options for the QuickTreatment program. These new filters help prevent athletes from selecting old ...
Distribute A Form To An Individual Athlete's Record To Complete
In this example we will use the Athlete Database. Select the Athlete Database Select the Athlete Select Edit Select the Attachments Tab Add the desired form Apply form rights Select Save Select Close Watch Instructional Video.
Filling Out Forms - Athletes
Instructions for Athletes to Fill out and Submit Forms Instructions for Athletes to Modify a Form that was Rejected by the AT
How to Reset Login Error Count
For Users: Navigate to Admin > Users. Double-click on the user's name to open the record. In the General tab look for the section to the right It should be a number higher than 0. Click reset. Then Save. For Athletes: Navigate to the Athlete database ...
How to Change Sports Every Season
To mass change Sport 1 to Sport 2 to Sport 3 at the start of every season start with the menu on the left hand side 1.Utlities>End of Year 2. Edit #9 to the correct Sport 3. Click Update and Okay
How to edit treatment options in the Quick Treatments- Treatments Grid
The treatment grid options pulls the favorited treatments within treatment modalities To edit the treatment grid options: Navigate to Picklist>Treatment Modalities Check or uncheck the treatments you would like to add or delete from the treatment ...
I added a new injury to the picklist but it is not showing
If you add a new injury to the Multilevel Picklist > Body Area you must navigate to Picklist > Injury Diagnosis Codes, scroll down and click Reimport Multi. Once you click Reimport Multi your new injuries will populate within the drop down menus.
Can athletes upload their own physicals to Sportsware?
Yes, if you utilize the athlete or parent portal then your athlete's physicals can be uploaded directly into Sportsware as long as they are saved as a file on the device. To upload a physical or other paperwork into Sportsware from the athlete or ...
How do I add an Athletic Trainer to the drop down menu?
To add a new ATC to the dropdown menu navigate to Picklist>Multilevel> ATC
How do I change who the primary contact is on my Sportsware account?
If the primary contact who receives notices about billing is no longer with your institution you can edit the the primary contact under Admin>Institution and scroll down to the Billing/End User section. Updating this end user information ensures that ...
I cannot see the Picklist option to edit picklists
If you cannot see the Picklist option on the left side of your screen on the dashboard then you need to talk to the Administrator on the account so they can give you the correct permissions. To give a user the rights to edit picklist: Navigate to ...
How do I add doctors and insurance companies to drop down?
How to add doctors and insurance companies to drop down menus Navigate to the Phone Database Click Add Select the type and input relevant information
How do I close an injury?
How to close an injury? Go to the injury database Select the record you would like to close and click edit Select the date you are closing the injury
I cannot find my injury record
If you do not see the injury record you are looking for on the listing screen in the Injury Database, check the filters to make sure that the date of the injury is within the time period the filter is set to, if the injury is hidden or closed you ...
How to Renew Your Subscription
Your SportsWare subscription is active for 1 year (unless you opted into a multi-year renewal). We will start emailing you 90 days before your subscription expires so you have ample time to renew. You can always check your subscription expiration ...
How do I add a country to the options list?
Countries can be added in the Multi-Level picklist editor. By default, only United States is added in the system. Navigate to Picklists > Multi Level Select Country Click Add Add any needed options Click Save
What is my school ID?
If you are an athlete/parent trying to register for an account, please contact your school for this information. Each organization sets their own unique ID, so your school's staff has to give you this information. If you are an admin on the account, ...
What can athletes report themselves?
Can an athlete sign in and report their own injury? Treatment? etc.? The answer is Yes, if the system admin allows it. Navigate to Admin > Institution On the General page, scroll down to the section titled "Athlete Permissions". Toggle the databases ...
How do I add a new grad class year?
To add a new grad class year to assign to athletes, you will need to edit your picklists. Only admin users who have edit picklist rights can complete this action. Navigate to Picklists > Multi Level Under Level 0: select GradClass Under Level 1: ...
How do I use filters?
Use the filter option to see the data you need or to hide the information you don't need to see. If you are an Athletic Trainer who only deals with Basketball, then the filter options will be your best friend. You'll notice the funnel-like symbol at ...
How do I view and restore a deleted record?
If you've deleted say, an athlete or injury record it's not totally gone from the system. You can use the filter menu to see deleted records while searching if you can't seem to find a record you know was inputted into the system. To View Deleted ...
How do I submit a service ticket?
Please fill out the form accessed by clicking the Add Ticket button located at the top right of the page. You can also email us at support@sportswareonline.com to generate a support ticket. The form allows you to categorize your need and set a ...
I'm having issues resetting my password.
If the link isn't working These links are only valid for 24 hours. Please navigate to swol123.net and follow the reset password procedure to get a new link sent. If you are getting an error that the “ticket has expired” when clicking the link within ...
When I login, i'm not seeing the right content.
For Athlete or Parent accounts, this can happen if the same email and password combination was used for an old school and a new school. Please follow the reset password procedure to change the password to something unique. Be aware that the email ...
How do I allow system notifications?
Allow browser notifications for the SportsWare application so the alerts feature works.
How do I stop fields from being filled in automatically?
This is happening because of a feature of your web browser called Auto Fill. If your web browser if automatically filling information in on select fields, you need to disable the autofill feature. Use the video below to see how to do this in the ...
How do I make a fillable PDF?
Please note, SportsWareOnLine DOES NOT support the use of a signature field (the pink tab) within the Attachments tab. Make sure all fields are text fields that can be typed into. Within SportsWare there is a separate checkbox and text box for ...
I can't login to my account
For Athlete/Parent accounts: If you are getting an error message that your email address can't be found in the system, please contact the school's athletics department or noted online contact for your school's SportsWare account. CSMi representatives ...
Can I Dictate My Notes?
If you are using a device that has dictation capabilities, then you can use speech/voice-to-text wherever you can type. Please utilize the video below for directions to enable dictation on iOS and Mac devices. If you need additional documentation, ...