Treatment Database

Treatment Database

The Treatment Database is used to record treatments to an athlete. Each Treatment Record is linked to a record in the Injury Database. If you are providing a treatment without an existing injury, e.g. preventive taping, you should record the body part you are providing treatment to. This will add a “hidden injury” in the treatment database.

Treatment Database: Listing Screen


The Treatment Listing Screen shows all of the Treatments in database. Across the top of the Listing Screen are Filters to narrow the records displayed on the Listing Screen.

The Filter choices are Sport, Group and Date Search. Below the Filters are checkboxes which adjust how records are displayed or highlighted in the Listing Screen.  A checkmark in front of the option indicates the option is enabled. No checkmark indicates the option is disabled. SWOL automatically saves and restores your View Menu settings.
  1. In-Active Athletes - Shows Treatments for both Active and In-Active Athletes
  1. Closed Injuries- Shows Treatments for both open and closed injuries
  1. Dim Records – Shows records attached to Closed and Hidden Injuries in a grey background so it is easier to see records from Open Injuries.
  1. Deleted Records- Shows Treatments that have been deleted
  2. Protocols- Shows the protocols you have saved within the treatment database. Protocols are a series of treatments saved so you can easily prescribe them again

The Treatment Listing Screen includes the following columns:  Full Name, ID, Treatment Date, Treatment, Body Part, Injury, Side, Sport (as in Sport the injury occurred in), Group,  Active,  Hidden, and Quick. If you click on a column heading SWOL will sort records based on that column. Click a second time on the same column heading to reverse the sort order.

Treatment Database: Update a Record 

To update a Treatment Record:

  1. If the Current Athlete is not correct, use the Select an Athlete Filter the top left corner of the Treatment Listing Screen to Find an Athlete.
  2. Select the desired Treatment Record from the Treatment Listing Screen.
  3. Single-click the Edit button. SWOL will open the Treatment Record.
  4. Update the Treatment Record with the new information.
  5. Click the Save button to save the changes to the Treatment Record, or click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.

Treatment Database: Delete a Record    

To delete a Treatment Record:     

  1. If the Current Athlete is not correct, use the Select an Athlete Filter the top left corner of the Treatment Listing Screen to Find an Athlete.
  2. Select the desired Treatment Record from the Treatment Listing Screen.
  3. Click the Delete button. SWOL will ask you to confirm the deletion.
  4. Click the Yes button to delete the record, or the Cancel button to cancel the deletion and leave the record in the database.

Treatment Database: Duplicate a Record 

To duplicate a Treatment Record:

  1. If the Current Athlete is not correct, use the Select an Athlete Filter the top left corner of the Treatment Listing Screen to Find an Athlete.
  2. Select the desired Treatment Record from the Treatment Listing Screen.
  3. Click the Duplicate button.
  4. SWOL will add a new Treatment Record. The new record will be set to the current date/time and duplicate all other Status and Treatment Item fields.
  5. Make any changes you want to the record.
  6. Click the Save button to save the new Treatment Record, or click the Cancel button to cancel your changes.

Treatment Database: Print/Preview a Record 

  1. Select the Treatment Record from the Treatment Listing Screen.
  2. Click the Print or preview button

Treatment Database: Assign a Task 

SWOL includes the ability to send a request to another User to view a record. We call this Task. For example if you wanted an associate to review an Treatment Record you would mark the record with a Task, assign it to someone to review, include a subject, due date, and reason. When someone logs on to SWOL they would see the Task on their Dashboard and could jump to the record by clicking on the link. This procedure is described in detail in the Athlete Database Section.

Treatment Database: Add a New Record 

To add a new record to the Treatment Database:

  1. If the Current Athlete is not correct, use the Select an Athlete Filter the top left corner of the Injury Listing Screen to Find an Athlete.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new Treatment Record.
  3. SWOL will display the Injury Selection screen which is a list of the Athlete’s current injuries.

Figure 44 Treatment Database: Select an Injury

        If you are adding a treatment for an existing injury (e.g. Head 8/18/2022), select the Injury and click the OK button.

        If you are adding a treatment for a specific injury, but it does not appear on the list, you should click the Cancel button, add the new injury to the Injury Database, and then add the new treatment.

        If you are adding a treatment without a specific injury and it is on the Existing Injury List, select the item or enter the body area and body part and click the OK button. If you used the “No Specific Injury” area to add the treatment, a Hidden Injury would be created and there would then be two injuries in SWOL, while there was really only one injury in the real world. This can alter the accuracy of your reports.

  1. Enter the Treatment information.
  2. Click the Save button to save the new injury.

Treatment Database: Input Screen    

The Database Input Screen has four Input Tabs: General, Attachments, Notes, and Audit. Typically you would create a new Treatment record each time the athlete is treated in the athletic training room.

Attached to each Treatment Modality is a CPT code, a Unit of Time and a Unit Cost. SWOL includes this information for athletic trainers who need to track treatment types for comparison to a traditional physical therapy setting. This can be edited under the Picklist tab on the leftside of the screen under Treatment Modalities

Treatment Database: General Tab





Indicates a treatment is scheduled for a future time. To view a list of pending treatments, from the Reports menu, select Treatments, Pending.


Indicates an athlete missed a scheduled treatment.


Treatment records added via the Quick Treatments program are marked as Quick. After the treatment has been reviewed by the trainer, the Quick checkbox can be cleared.


Date treatment provided


Time treatment provided


Location where the treatment was provided.


Name of the athletic trainer providing the treatment.


The athlete’s sport when the treatment was provided. When adding a new treatment record, SportsWare initializes the Sport field to the athlete’s current sport.


Select Billed if Treatment session has been billed.

 Select Unbilled if Treatment session has not been billed.


The displayed Injury fields linked to the injury record. If you need to make changes to the injury information, it must be edited in the Injury record. The changes will automatically be displayed in the Treatment Record.

Pain Rating for this Injury

Shows the pain scale rating for the injury and the ability to update the pain scale after treatment

Add Treatment


Treatment Modalities




CPT code Modifier.

CPT Code

CPT code for the Treatment Modality.


Treatment modality.

Unit Time

The base unit of time for the Treatment Modality.

Units Cost

Cost per unit.


The number of unit times the Modality was applied.

Total Cost

Unit Cost times Unit Time.


Additional comments on the Modality, e.g. Ultrasound settings.

Select picklist to open up the Treatment Modalities picklist editor. This is where you can add or delete new treatments into the drop down menu options. This can also be found under the picklist tab on the left hand side of the page. 

These protocol buttons are located at the bottom of the general tab. Protocols are a series or group of treatments that you can save together to easily prescribe them in the future. Selecting load protocol will open up a list of saved protocols and you can choose which protocol you would like to assign to the treatment. If you have added  2 or more treatments you can select save protocol and it will prompt you to name the protocol you would like to save for future use. 

Treatment Database: Attachments Tab

Allows you to attach any type of file to a Treatment Record. You can add, open, rename, or delete attachments using this tab.

Treatment Database: Notes Tab

The Notes you see in the Treatment Record are the same notes you see in the attached Injury Record. This keeps all of your notes for a particular injury in one place. If you need to print your notes for an injury you would print an Injury Report. See the Injury Database Notes Section for instructions.

Treatment Database: Audit Tab

The Audit Tab records each time a record is edited. The Audit Listing Screen shows who accessed the record (determined by the user log-in), the date and time, and what information was edited.

Athlete Status

After adding or editing an Injury, Treatment, Referral, etc. record there are five options:

  1. Print: Select to print the injury record
  2. Update Athlete: Select to save and update athlete status for coach report
  3. Update Injury: Select to save and update the injury record
  4. Save: Select to save and go back to listing screen
  5. Cancel: Select to cancel any changes and go back to listing screen 

Update Athlete: Status

The Status section under the general tab of an Athlete record is used to communicate the Athletes Status on the Coach Report. The Coach Report uses the Practice and Game Status fields to select athletes for report.

The Status Window includes the following fields:



Cleared to Play

General Cleared to Play checkbox. For example once all pre-participation paperwork is in Athlete is Cleared to Play


Practice Status. To edit the Pull-down list go to Picklists, Status Values. We recommend you keep this list short.

Expected Return

Date the athlete is expected to return to practice.


Game Status. To edit the Pull-down list go to Picklists, Status Values. We recommend you keep this list short.

Expected Return

Date the athlete is expected to return to game participation.


Notes you want the Coach to see on the Coach Report.

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