How to Review Forms Submitted by Athletes
Important Notes:
There are now 2 signature types within SportsWare. If a fillable PDF
does not have a signature field, you can still utilize's SportsWare digital signature field to have it signed by the athlete/parent. This signature field is the one that can be edited if a mistake is made while filling it out. The below screenshot shows what it looks like for someone signing a form. This section comes up when they hit the "save & submit" button.

The information typed in this signature field is what populates in the listing grid as pictured below.
If you are utilizing a signature field within a fillable PDF, it is NOT editable once a form has been submitted. If the form needs to be rejected for any reason the form should be deleted and then redistributed from the Institution > Attachments section.
The below screenshots shows what this type of signature looks like within a fillable PDF.
When the sign button is clicked:
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